In this program we are going to count the number of times a switch pressed,and displaying it on a LCD .. and each time the switch pressed a LED will lighted up.
First create a new project and add a c main file like in the steps for Blinking a LED using MPLAB X , PIC16F877A
1. PIC16F877A micro controller
2. animated LED
3. A toggle switch
4.16x2 LCD display
Steps in the program
1. define the ports for easy usage
Defines the control pins of LCD to the 0th,1st and 2nd pin of PORT D
#define RS RD0
#define RW RD1
#define EN RD2
Defines the data port of the LCD to PORT B
#define DATA PORTC
Defines switch in the 0th pin of PORT C
#define S RC0
Defines LED on the 3rd pin of PORT D
#define L RD3
* Author: Ebin Ephrem
First create a new project and add a c main file like in the steps for Blinking a LED using MPLAB X , PIC16F877A
1. PIC16F877A micro controller
2. animated LED
3. A toggle switch
4.16x2 LCD display
Steps in the program
1. define the ports for easy usage
Defines the control pins of LCD to the 0th,1st and 2nd pin of PORT D
#define RS RD0
#define RW RD1
#define EN RD2
Defines the data port of the LCD to PORT B
#define DATA PORTC
Defines switch in the 0th pin of PORT C
#define S RC0
Defines LED on the 3rd pin of PORT D
#define L RD3
2. Function declarations .. here we declare 3 functions and all the 3 functions is for LCD
void LCD_CMD(unsigned int value); //This function is pass the LCD commands
void LCD_DAT(unsigned int value); // this is for pass the DATA to the LCD which is to displayed
void LCD_INIT(); //this to initialize the LCD
void delay(); // this is to delay the LCD commands
for more refer the Interfacing LCD with PIC16F877A in MPLAB X
3. next is main function .. in main function we make
- PORT C as input where we have connected the switch
- PORT D as output where we have connected the LED and control pins of LCD
- PORT B as outout where we have connected DATA pins of LCD
TRISC =0x0F;
TRISD =0x00;
TRISB = 0x00;
4. The function LCD_INIT(); is called for initializing the LCD
5. Declared a variable called count, and initialized it to zero
int count;
6. we put the LED off
7. now we are going for a infinite loop by
8. In the loop we are checking switch is ON or OFF condition
if the switch is ON ; LED is on and count is incremented by 1 and display the value of count in LCD
if the Switch is OFF it wait for the condition when the Switch is ON
schematic diagram
full Program
* File: switchcount.c* Author: Ebin Ephrem
#define RS RD0
#define RW RD1
#define EN RD2
#define DATA PORTB
#define S RC0
#define L RD3
void LCD_CMD(unsigned int value);
void LCD_DAT(unsigned int value);
void LCD_INIT();
void delay();
void main(void)
TRISC =0x0F;
TRISD =0x00;
TRISB = 0x00;
int count;
if( S == 1)
L= ~L;
count = count+1;
delay ();
LCD_DAT('0' + (count % 10));
void LCD_INIT()
delay ();
delay ();
delay ();
delay ();
delay ();
delay ();
void LCD_CMD(unsigned int value)
DATA = value;
delay ();
delay ();
void LCD_DAT(unsigned int value)
DATA= value ;
delay ();
void delay(void)
int counter = 0;
for (counter = 0; counter<1000; counter++) {
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